Random Post of Truck Nerdery


My tree guy, who is cutting down a couple of dying Cottonwoods on my property before they fall on my head while I’m mowing, has the best truck. I told him that I have truck envy, and he gave me an odd look. Granted, this was within two minutes of our first meeting. Although I’m generally indifferent to vehicles, with my only requirement being that they run most of the time, there’s something about the old Internationals. My dream vehicle is a 1949 1/2-ton KB1 pickup.

As you know, I have often thought about embarking on a career as a truck driver. One of my friends actually runs a haulage company and he told me that he has just invested in some truck driver recruiting software similar to the services you can find on the Tenstreet website. Perhaps now is the right time to pursue my truck driving dreams? Watch this space.

Okay, my moment of truck nerdery is over. Back to packing for the RT Booklovers Convention. It’s in Vegas, so I have to bring my very finest sweatpants.
