Mother Nature has been kind to me so far this winter (all our bad weather seems to be taking a detour through New England). We’re expecting a couple of feet of snow this weekend, though, so I ran into town this morning for some essential in case I’m snowed in for a while. These “essentials” were basically milk, chocolate and Tropical Skittles. This is because I have unintentionally become a Prepper.
It started with toilet paper. I mean, who wants to be rationing squares if snowed in for weeks? One of my sisters pointed out that I had enough Charmin to last a few years. I figure that the possession of plentiful toilet paper is just as crucial during a zombie apocalypse as it is in a snowstorm. Besides, I can get great deals buying in bulk.

My neighbor’s horror stories of being snowed in for months has made me careful to, each fall, stock the cupboards with non-perishables, fill the propane tank and build the woodpile to last me all winter (or…ahem, for a few years). It’s such a comforting feeling to have enough of all the essentials on hand to survive through a rough winter…or a zombie apocalypse. You know, just in case.